
Hey everyone!!! My name is Antonisha and I love to plan!!

Before telling you any more about me I want to let you know what this blog is here for and how it can hopefully help you.

I am a functional, intentional planner and I'm all about experiencing life. I want to help others do the same. Most people take all of the external "stuff" and plan their lives around it. Work, school, kids' activities, etc. They wonder why they don't feel excited when planning out their week and while doing the things they have planned. It normally is because they have planned things that are not in line with their roles and values, and they just don't want to do it.

I want to help others use their planner as a tool to help them live a more exciting and intentional life. I hope to show you how to organize your family's schedules intentionally instead of feeling like you are a slave to it. I want to help you plan projects, tasks, and events that are in line with your goals and mission statement.

On that note, I would love to help you create a mission statement based on the roles of your life and how you would ideally like them to look. I would love to show how I create time specific goals by understanding that some roles may be more of a priority during a particular season of life. In order for that to work, you must also know that when the season of life changes for you, you may have to give more time and priority to a role that was previously put on the back burner.

I know that this is a lot, but these are my goals for organizing my life and I intend to use my planner to help me get it done. I hope that I am able to help and encourage others on this journey of experiencing life to the max.

So who exactly am I?

Again my name is Antonisha and I am a planner addict. I have been using a planner since elementary school (we won't mention how many years ago that was). Once I became a mother 6 years ago I really had to better manage my time. I was a single mother, a full time student, and working 2 jobs. Fast forward to present day and I am a stay at home/work at home mom with a 6 year old and another little one on the way. I am still a full time student now pursuing a degree in Special Education, planning a wedding, and I am managing a household that also includes my fiance who is a chef and full time student. I am also PTA Vice President at my son's performing arts school where he also has music, dance, and instrument recitals.

To say we have a lot going on is the understatement of the year.

I tell you all of this to give you some background into what all I have to keep track of and hopefully my planning system will make a little more sense with this knowledge.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and hopefully learning some of your planning tips and tricks as well.

Please stay in touch

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