Sep 17, 2016

Totally Off My Game

Some days I amaze myself with how productive I am. Some days. Most days I have an average level of productivity, and I'm neither upset nor amazed. Then there are those days that I am totally off my game.

This was one of those days.

I did absolutely nothing from my to do list. I didn't go grocery shopping, which led to me scrambling to put dinner together for two days. And...I missed my son's appointment for his flu shot. I was able to reschedule it for a more convenient time, but I'm lucky they didn't charge me for missing the appointment.

I definitely can't let a day like this happen again.


  1. Oh I am so glad that someone else besides me has days like this! Keep smiling, with love from the UK x
    PS I am really liking your blog, its easy to follow and honest and the pictures are great! Gives me a bit of inspiration when mine has disappeared.....

    1. Hey Kathryn you are definitely not the only one who has days like these. I am really glad you enjoy my blog. I always want to be completely honest because I don't want anyone to think I'm perfect or have it all together. I feel like I can be a better help to others when they realize I make mistakes sometimes but I can bounce back from it.
